Jahna • TTC bubba #2 👶🏽, 1 angel baby 👼🏼

How do you all wake up everyday, shower,brush your hair/teeth/ have breakfast, get dressed, do your hair/makeup, how do y’all go to work, shopping, to hang with friends,to the park, how do y’all smile when speaking or being spoken to, how do y’all laugh and make jokes, how do y’all find the will power to just breathe and be okay,

Every single day, from morning to night all I can think about is why, why do I have pcos

, why me, why can’t I get pregnant at the click of a finger but all these 13-16 year olds can, why do I have to go through this pain and heartbreak, why do I have to miss out, why do I have to try so hard for a baby, why can’t it “just happen” like everyone said it will, why does my life have to be consumed by the horrible thought of never having a baby of my own, why do I find it so hard to look at myself in the mirror without being repulsed, why do I have to feel “broken”

Broken because for 3 years I’ve watched everyone I know get pregnant, why do all these people get multiple children’s and treat them like absolute sh*t but I can’t have just one, WHY ?????


I’ve had many challenges thrown at me in life, but this, THIS, this is the worst one by far,