Helicopter Grandma's at it again



My son's Mimi and GG have been ultra critical since he was born. they pick apart everything I do with him because of my disability but when it comes to things that his daddy does it's fine. now my mom's new thing is dog hair. We have a Siberian husky and in case you don't know they have a lot of hair and they shed hardcore at certain times of year especially. she is an inside dog sometimes but she also spends a lot of time outside if it's cool enough. My mom's new claim is that the husky is harmful to my son's health because it will make him sick. She claims that the house is covered in dog hair which is false and she tells me constantly that I need to get rid of her. He is not allergic to the dog hair I would have known that by now if he were. I don't know why she thinks that it's so bad for him. It's not like he's eating spoonfuls of it or anything like that either so I don't know where she's getting this stuff. Just wanted to come and vent a little bit and see if anyone else has had this issue with people.

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Posted at
I have 3 long haired pups, one being a husky. We literally live in a puff ball. I just make sure I vacuum and mop regularly. It's my house, no one has to visit if it's that big of deal for em.


Posted at
There are studies showing that children who grow up in homes with animals have less allergies and asthma. So overall less sick...


Michelle • Mar 6, 2019
My sister in law and I were just discussing this!


Posted at
🤣 tell her shes being ridiculous. Animal hair will never make them sick unless they're allergic. (I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, one is a lab so she sheds like mad)