Unsure mama


So my four-month-old son is exclusively breastfed, I haven't been able to pump that much so it's a rarity (special occasion) that I have enough to leave him with a bottle. However once a week I go to work out and my husband stays with my son for just over two hours. I am able to provide 3 oz for this two-hour period, which should be enough since I've heard time and time again that a breastfed infant never needs more than 1.5 Oz per hour. (Right?) The thing is, my baby still likes to nurse hourly, partly I think for comfort. So when I've left I'm with my husband in the past I come home to a crying baby and a stressed-out partner who thinks I didn't leave him enough milk. This is tough for me, I already feel guilty and anxious being away from my baby in the first place, when I come home and everyone is upset it really brings me down. For tonight, would you suggest that I split up the 3 oz into two 1.5 oz bottles? Or maybe my husband could give him one 2 oz bottle and one bottle with just 1 ounce in it. I don't want my son to get frustrated and not be full if he is given a small bottle, but I also think it should be split up rather than the entire 3-oz given in one sitting, since my baby will likely want to eat more than once in the 2-hour period. TIA!!