Personal interaction in a closed off world.

lk 🇨🇦🇺🇲 • Take a risk: be kind.

Here's a conundrum. I keep hearing people say that they feel lonely (definitely me), isolated, and anxious and that no one cares about them or understands what they're going through, but, when someone asks how they are or takes an interest, they push those people away, saying they are nosy, judgemental, rude, etc. It's not across the board, but there seems to be a growing trend of assuming that anyone who takes an interest in another person is automatically just nosy and should mind their own business.

Have you noticed this? If you have noticed it, why do you think it's happening? What can be done about it? Does it matter? Can a society survive when people refuse to truly communicate with each other? Is there any onus on the person who is lonely, etc to accept support when and where it is offered? Do you think we too quickly assume people are nosy, rude, and/or judgemental when they approach us?

*Please be kind. These are genuine questions and I think we can discuss them civilly. For what it's worth, I am a giant introvert and don't necessarily feel comfortable with people getting in my business, but have simultaneously cried about not having any friends. My husband made the very good point that to have friends you have to be a friend.

Anyway, what are your thoughts?