12 days

Claire • Proud mummy of a one year old daughter, hoping to male her a big sister. 💗👶🏼

Hi everyone. I had a baby back in July and went onto the pill in September. I went on a progesterone only pill which I was on before I was pregnant and had been on for 10years. It has always stopped my periods. However this time round I was bleeding every other week for a month. I decided to come off it in November. Since Coming off it I had a period in December and in January, I usually bleed for 4 days. Both periods were normal in that respect. However after my period in January I had serve pain on the left side (low where roughly the ovary is) for about 4 days. I have suffered with ovarian cysts in the past which is normal for me. Since then I haven’t had a period. I’m now 12 days late. My gp said I could be pregnant so keep testing every couple days. I’ve now done 5 tests and I’m still getting a negative result. Does anyone have any advice??