I don’t want to pump so much, but every time I try to go without pumping I get clogged ducts...


My little one is 2 1/2 weeks old now & I am having the hardest time with breastfeeding. He usually wants to eat every 3 hours, but sometimes I get engorged after only 2 hours. My OB & Lactation consultant both advised me to pump to try to relieve the pain & unclog the ducts with massage during pumping—which does work! I feel relief for about 2 hours then have to do it all over again. It’s not like I have a huge supply—I pump maybe 1oz from each breast over a 15-20 minute length of time before I stop getting milk. Pediatrician said it is ok at this point if my baby wants to sleep through the night because he is doing well, so he slept a 5 hour stretch last night but I still had to get up in the middle of it to pump for about 40 minutes just to unclog all of the ducts 😞 Anyone else have this problem? I don’t want to be pumping so much, but every time I try to take a break, things get out of hand! I am already fighting mastitis on one side & really don’t want to get it on the other side too.