Question about progesterone supplements dosage

Mandy • 💏2012 🎀👶🏼1/10/14👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻2019👼🏻6/30/19,👼🏻5/31/20

Ok so my doc put me on progesterone supplements cause I’ve lost 4 baby’s since April. I started spotting Friday continued all week. Yesterday I started cramping on top spotting. I know a lot of people are gonna call me stupid and say how the hell does that happen but last night I took my progesterone and my husband was like “baby you took one an hour ago” I forgot I didn’t mean to I’ve been so scatter brained with these cramping and spotting spells. Well i woke up this morning no cramps no spotting at all. I’m on a 100mg pill I take at bedtime I’m wondering if maybe I need to be on 200mgs but I’m scared to ask my doctor cause I don’t want them to be like how do you not realize you already took one. Should I call and be honest bout what happened and tell them it made my spotting and cramping quit to see if I need t up the dose or not wait till Monday to see if taking one makes me bleed and cramp again?