Failed vbac, successful cuteness


Finally got my baby! was 39 weeks exactly originally due on the 8th.

Water broke at 3 am, really wanted my VBAC so labored naturally for 18 hours still no progress after getting to 5cm. Decided to give in and get my epidural (required by my doc in case of rupture with her vbac patients) still no progress hours later so before baby went into distress so long without amniotic fluid had our repeat c section at 11:50 pm! Turns out because of lack of fluid she could not descend fully or move the cord out of the way which more than likely would’ve came out wrapped around her neck.

Not what I wanted at all but she is here and healthy and more importantly safe!

7 pounds 8 ounces. 21 inches long 🥰🌸🌼🌻

First birth was an emergent c section 6 years ago