Postpartum body love 💖🤤

Courtney • 🌻with the love of my life 💍 ftm to babygirl 23/02/19 💖

If anyone had told me that after giving birth to this angel I would love my body more than I ever have through all my extremely low self esteem, anxiety and depression issues, I would’ve laughed in their face. But here I am. Loving it more than ever. 13 days postpartum and back in my old jeans, but I don’t even think that’s it. I think it’s the fact that I have now experienced how beautiful and strong my natural body is. I think it’s that I’m proud of my body for carrying and delivering the best thing that’s ever happened to me. For filling a void in my heart and for bringing me closer than ever to my husband. I’m so proud to say I love this tired, stretch mark covered body I have now. 💗

Updating to tell everyone this cute ass bow is from Little Lopers!! 🎀💗🤩