So I decided to do my own sucked


I use to do my own hair. I stopped after awhile. Now I just don’t have the time to leave and go to a salon for 4 hours with a 6 month old and why not try to save money...So I decided I would try to do my own hair. First I decided to let my MIL, she has never done hair and was only supposed to help me with the back but wanted to do all of it so I let her bleach my whole head. Stupid, I had splotches everywhere. So I had to go back buy more bleach and do it again. This time it looked really good. So the toner I got the lady recommended it to me cause I like ash blonde. It looked grey on the sample, she said she uses this color and it wouldn’t turn grey. Well it did... now I have blue/grey/blonde hair. It is ok, my hubby likes it. Guess next time don’t listen to lady and look at the samples. Here is a picture of it completed. Still getting used to it. Here is also a before picture.

