"What happens on deployment stays on deployment"...

My husband is about to be deployed. We have been together for 6 years, married for 2, and have been through 1 deployment together.

We had friends over the other night and one of his friends was talking about their recent deployments and how he met his current girlfriend during that time.. I was kinda confused because I didn't realize you could have sexual relationships overseas with other soldiers. He apparently cheated on his wife on deployment with the girl he's dating now. Anyways, at one point my husband had said "dude, what happens on deployment stays on deployment" in reference to his friend leaving his wife for the girl he cheated on her with because they aren't getting along any longer (serves him right) but now I'm freaking out because who in the world says that kind of thing.. like come on... So the next morning after everyone had gone home I asked my husband about it.. and he was like.. it's just that sometimes you have needs of physical touch from someone.. and what you do with someone overseas shouldn't be brought back home..

And I was like ya, well sometimes the person you have back home wants physical touch from their person overseas but I assume both parties should suppress those urges until they are back together again.. he was like well some people don't have that kind of self control.. like idk about y'all.. but I was seeing red when I heard this and I was like.. soo, you're saying when you're on deployment I have free rein to do what I want when you're overseas as long as when you come back that doesn't continue... He was like no I'm saying do what your pay grade can handle..

I asked if he did anything during his first deployment and he was like "that's classified information and you don't have the security clearance to handle that information"

So now I'm mad as fuck.. like who the fuck do you think you are trying to off on me with some bullshit like that.. so I was like we are equals in this relationship what you do, can and does, in fact, affect both of us weather you choose to believe it or not. He was like.. chill out, nothing happened.. I'm just saying perhaps during this deployment.. if you wanna get dicked down by someone that isnt me.. then go for it....

Are you trying to spin a thread of shit into gold so you can make me look like the one who's interested in fucking other people? Cause its not happening.. clearly in my opinion it sounds like my husband is trying to weasle his way into getting a free pass to cheat on me with someone while he's deployed. So I was like "I just hope your dick falls off overseas." And that ended the conversation, we haven't talked since then and I'm just not sure what I should do next.. idk if he's cheated on me before or not.. but this conversation has put the idea in my mind that he may cheat on his upcoming deployment.. and there's not enough Tricare in the world for me to be okay with this.