Nobody has ever wanted to make me kill myself more times than him

I just got screamed at for asking if I could have a guinea pig. Apparently I am awful to live with, dont do anything to help and "have no idea how hard it is to be him in this marriage." I said I hope I die tonight. He screamed at me and pretended he was on the phone with the cops so he could 302 me. Ive wanted to kill myself during this marriage more times than I can count. Yet he wont divorce me. My name isnt on the mortgage or deed to the house, im not on any of the bank accounts or credit cards. All my paychecks go to his bank account. He said if we ever get divorced he will fight me tooth and nail for Amber, our dog, that I brought into the relationship. He just threatened to leave and take her. Shes my emotional support animal. I couldnt survive without her.