To all you mama’s out there -


I just want to say something...

Please always remember, that no matter what you are going through...

Whether it be a healthy pregnancy, unhealthy, hard...etc. or you have any questions whatsoever about

-Pregnancy related questions

-Miscarriage questions

-Random questions ¿


Please know that it IS OKAY to ask. A lot of us have been through the worst and are currently going through a lot.

But this app is for all of us to support each other and help.

No body enjoys looking at post about miscarriages or people asking questions on it, but it’s something that you have to get use to. It’s life. It’s the way god works and I’m here and a bunch of you ladies too are here, to help any women that need to talk.

Don’t feel ashamed or that there’s any problem with asking any question.

No question is dumb!!!


I just wanted to say that.

Congratulations to everyone on their pregnancy and keeping EVERYONE in my prayers for a safe outcome no matter what situation you’re in. ❤️