Does this look normal?

Okay, so I know I posted this earlier (not as a poll) I did it in hopes of getting everyone’s opinions and it ended up going south for me cause I only had 1/2 give their opinion and everyone else only shared their ultrasounds and it made me feel even worse cause I felt like mine should look like that too 😭😭

I know I shouldn’t be comparing my ultrasound to anyone else’s but I can’t help but feel like either this was just a horrible picture or something else is wrong.

I assumed the baby would have much more prominent features by now, and there would be more fluid around the baby.

I am 11 weeks 5 days.

Also adding cause I know it will be asked- the doctor didn’t say anything looked abnormal but she didn’t look but for a total of 30 seconds, just to find the heart beat because we couldn’t find it on the Doppler. The fact it was not a thorough ultrasound gave no chance for questions to be answered.

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