Ex’s best friend...

Opinion on possibly dating ex’s best friend? My ex and I haven’t been in a relationship since May of 2018 and it was not a good relationship. We definitely were not meant to be with each other. We didn’t talk for 5 months and started to talk again and hooked up twice in October. He’s now back with his ex so we stopped all communication and deleted each other from all social media. He did not make time for me ever and would go weeks without speaking to me while he was my boyfriend. He just wasn’t a good guy. One of his good friends has been in contact with me since the breakup and has been the sweetest person to me. And he’s been there for me to lean on. We have never spoken inappropriate to each other or anything like that, we just appreciate each other and understand each other. He is at the point where he wants to distance himself from my ex too. Is it wrong to even consider possibly having a relationship with him?