When you find out he’s cheating

Currently 26 weeks with baby #2. I’m on bed rest so I can’t do much. My boyfriend said he was going to a family party and would probably spend the night there so I was home with my daughter and in bed by 10. I wake up at around 6 and I couldnt go to sleep so I just start going through Instagram. I started watching people’s stories and see this story from an account I follow. It was a bunch of girls at a hotel party and in the background I clearly see my boyfriend. So I play it again and take a screenshot of it and message the girl. I ask her “he was with you guys last night?” She responded yes and then I proceeded to tell her that was my boyfriend and we have a kid together and I’m also currently pregnant. She blocks me immediately after that and I start calling him. I’m pissed, I’m crying and he obviously doesn’t answer. Finally at 11 he answers saying he just woke up and I told him what happened. He insisted it wasn’t him in the picture even though it clearly was and that whoever I asked was lying. I’m not buying any of it.

He was the only guy there from the videos and pictures I saw, and why would the girl block me if it hadn’t been him? I’m so hurt and angry right now. Words can’t even describe how I’m feeling. Even more so that he doesn’t have the balls to admit it. Like if you’re going to cheat then at least be able to admit it when you get caught.

Now he’s calling and texting every five minutes and trying to accuse me of being crazy. I know what I saw, the girl confirmed it until I messaged her. And even then she blocked me . I don’t blame her but if she’s going to mess around with someone elses man then admit it too when I ask about it.

UPDATE: He was still trying to deny it but lucky for me the girl decided to message me and show me everything. She sent screenshots of their conversations, told me what they did and what he was telling her. It was honestly so disgusting to see and hear but at least now I know I wasn’t crazy like he was trying to make me feel. I can’t believe this is happening and I just feel like throwing up and crying in my room. However I have a kid and I know sitting around feeling sorry won’t change anything . I’m still on bed rest so not like i can go out but I don’t plan on taking him back. His actions disgust me, and I can’t forgive what he did. I plan on doing the rest of my pregnancy alone. I don’t feel like being around him will help me. I’ll tell him when I go into labor and if he wants to be on our kids lives I won’t stop him. It’s definitely hard to think of myself being a single mom especially pregnant but I know it’s better to be alone than with someone like that.