Period Late. 🤞 Fingers Crossed!

Scarlett • Married, Christian, young, woman who is TTC baby #1.

I have 4 different <a href="">period apps</a>. I put the same information into all of them but they’re all a little different for some reason? Anyway according to two of them my period is at least 5 days late and according to the other two it’s only 1 day late so I’m trying to wait until its at least 2 weeks late according to at least one of the apps before I test (but I’ve been taking prenatal just in case!). I have my fingers crossed. I’ve been praying so hard. I’ve been super hungry the last few days, to the point where I feel weak and shaky by the time I can eat because I’m getting hungry earlier than usual. After lunch ah noon I’m hungry again by at least 3 😫. Idk how early hunger is supposed to start per se but I’m hopeful it’s a sign!