Our sweet 11:11 baby πŸ’— Finally our turn!!! *Long birth story*


SOOOO let me start by saying I had an awesome pregnancy. Sunday the 3rd I was having pains and contractions but it wasn't too bad so I figured I would wait until my Drs appt the day after to talk to her about it. Monday the 4th I went for my 39 week prenatal visit, I was actually 39 + 4. For some reason this was the first time my Dr. had checked me to see if I was dialated and it hurt so bad 😩 I think she swept my membranes because it hurt so bad and I was bleeding a little after but we were at 3cm! Dr. said my baby could come any day now at this point but I didn't get my hopes up considering she was my first and my friends told me I could be at 3cm for weeks πŸ™„πŸ˜­ I had been having contractions but nothing consistent or too uncomfortable. For the rest of Monday night I was having horrible period like cramps and still spotting which she said was going to happen. Tuesday was a good day and I was comfortable again so I figured the pain from yest was just from the sweep and I wasn't in actual labor. Tuesday night around 3am I woke up with crazy pressure feeling like I had to poop πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ The pressure came and went and I was able to get comfortable and go back to sleep. I woke up pretty much every hour with the same pain but I didn't want to run to the hospital just for them to be like "you're still at 3cm go home." My boyfriend left our house around 8:30 for him and my step son to get hair cuts and I told him to keep his phone volume up in case I wanted to go to the Drs. At around 9 I was having contractions that were much stronger and each one put more pressure on my lady parts. I took a shower to see if I could get comfortable because usually that helps but it didn't work for me this time. I called my Dr around 10:30 to see if she thought I should go to the hospital or come in to be seen, she made me an appt for 1:30 that day because she said it sounded like early labor. From the time I called until I left my house at 1 I was pacing my whole entire house and trying to count contractions but they were so inconsistent I didn't think they were the real thing. At the Drs I couldn't even sit in the waiting room πŸ˜‚ She brought me in and I told her I didn't want my membranes swept again because it hurt so bad last time. She is in me doing her thing and she's like "I'm not going to do anything- you're going to the hospital because you are 6cm!" At this point I'm like -

I actually have to push this child out. πŸ˜‚ My boyfriend and I head to the hospital calling our parents letting them know what's going on and that baby could be making her way today! When we get there around 2:30 my Dr had already called and had a room ready so we went right up to labor and delivery. The nurses were amazed that I was walking and as calm as I was for being 6cm which gave me hope because I'm a huge hypochondriac and didn't know my pain tolerance πŸ˜‚ They got me hooked to the iv and asked if I wanted the epi and I told them yes but I was okay for now and HIGHLY afraid of needles so I wanted to wait πŸ˜– Around 6:30 I was stsrting to get more uncomfortable so I had them give it to me and honestly it was way better than I thought! I wanted to try to sleep but I was too excited so my boyfriend and I watched a movie for the rest of my labor. Around 8 they checked me again and I was at 8cm! So progressing but not super fast. They said probably around 9:30 they would check again. They came back in around 9 where I was having crazy pressure, which I felt all of even though I couldn't feel the contractions. I was 10cm! They broke my water which was honestly the grossest feeling I have ever experienced πŸ˜‚ Baby was still pretty high up so they wanted to see if she would lower naturally more before we pushed. Around 9:45 the pressure was really intense but I wanted to wait as long as possible so it was easier for her to make her way out. At 9:55 they had me start pushing which started out easy but was uncomfortable. Yes, I shit lol.

About 20 mins into pushing they had me turn on my side because baby was sunny side up. Even with the epidural and not feeling contractions I felt EVERYTHING about the pressure and actually trying to give birth. 😩 Baby and I were not tolerating at one point so they put me on oxygen and had me take a little break. After we were situated my Dr had what felt like up to her friggen elbow in my vagina trying to turn baby over, and her other hand pushing down on what I'm assuming was my pelvic floor to open me and help guide her out. They didn't have to cut me but I did tear quite a bit. We pushed for a little over an hour and 49 mins before her due date at 11:11pm exactly our sweet girl entered the world and was in my arms!!!! Here is our sweet Juliana Mae who was 7lbs 3oz and 19 1/4 inches πŸ’—

I'm biased but I think she is so beautiful πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‹ She is now 6 days old and at her Drs yesterday she already gained 6oz since birth and is 20in!

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Posted at
Congratulations hun! Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. Bcos of this Im getting excited for my upcoming experience lol


Mary β€’ Mar 12, 2019
It was incredible! Everyone was right about as soon as they are born all of your pain goes away πŸ’—