VBAC stories...

I had a csection with my first baby. Here's a little history.. I had a planned induction. I had high BP twice in my pregnancy. It was 148/90, but dropped before induction. They still pushed for induction. I went into the hospital at 11am on a Sunday. They started my cervidil at 12:30pm. They took it out at 5:20 and started pitocin. At 7:55am I was dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced. By around 3 I was at 4cm and about 90% effaced. By 7pm the doctor started talking csection because I did not progress past 4cm. At 9 they came in and I still had not progressed, so they told me the baby was developing a cone head from being in the birth canal too long and they thought my birth canal was too small. Told me the awful things that could happen, so I agreed to a c-section. I definitely regret it because I feel they pushed me because they did not want to wait for me to progress. I would love to do a VBAC second go round with a new office and would love to hear your stories.