Ex trying to take my son.

I got served with motion to change custody today and I’m literally sick to my stomach. My son is almost 3 and I’ve had sole custody his entire life. I know he’s not going to get full custody, but the thought of only seeing my son every other weekend is making me sick. I’m a good mom, I work, he’s well provided for, I’m happily married to the love of my life who is great to him, better than his father has ever been. there’s seriously nothing I can think of that would make me unfit to be his sole guardian. I had him at 18, so yes the first year or so was a rough patch. But Ive grown so much to take care of my son and I can’t imagine life without him almost everyday. I got my education, got a decent job, have a 3 bedroom house and 2 vehicles. We have such a strong bond, I can’t imagine why they want to take him away from his Momma that isn’t for selfish reasons. This is the home he knows, the home he loves. I just hate thinking about the possibilities of how this can end. I can’t and I won’t lose my baby.

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Posted at
You’ve had sole custody his entire life, and you have a nice clean house and a steady life? He’s the one who’s going to be getting every other weekend. If that.


Posted at
It sounds like you have nothing to worry about. If you’ve had sole custody, I hope you’ve been letting his father see him if not, that can be used against you. But, a child deserves both parents (not if one parent is abusive to the child). I’ve been through court; depending on what the dad is asking for he could get 50/50, just weekends, every other weekend, maybe a day or two during the week & over nights on his days. Maybe nothing will change.


Posted at
If there is a visitation order in place, and you are respecting that order and allowing the father to see his son...then you should be fine. On the other hand, they could change custody if you haven't been allowing court ordered visitation.


S • May 30, 2019
If you don't want to deal with the father, and the father has been absent most of your son's life then maybe your husband can adopt him??


Brilea • May 30, 2019
There is a standard visitation order set. I’ve never denied him visitation since before he was on his birth certificate, and we were never married so he legally wasn’t his father and wasn’t until I denied visitation at 2 and half so he’d get his shit together. Now I’m more pissed off than anything. He’s putting me and my son threw unnecessary stress, wasting thousands of dollars on lawyer fees, not the mention the time I have to take off work for court dates, depositions, and lawyer meetings.


Posted at
I wouldn’t stress over it believe me . Unless he has anything to use against you should be fine .