I was 17


story time!

I feel like I want to share my story.

I was 17 a senior in high school. I was supports to be taking like 7 collage corses but couldn’t cause I failed the class I had during the summer. I didn’t realize at the time but it was a blessing. I had one collage class for the first part of the school year. In November my mom and dad went on their 40th anniversary trip to Cali. I was staying with my sister so she could get me to school everyday. The night before my life changed forever. My mom called to check in on me and my brother. She told me she loves me and I told her the same. The next day. Me and my sister both slept in she also had to get her kids to school and my brother to a appointment that he had. She dropped me off then did everything else. Me and my friend went to lunch and well we where driving the school called as asking when we were going to be back we told them and said we would be back really soon. Me and my friend were good friends with the office lady’s so we didn’t care that they did that. We get back and my sister is there to pick me up to take me home. She told me we needed to go home so we could all talk. On the way home I was trying to think what it could be and I thought all it was is that something happened with mom and dad and we have to go get them from Cali. We get home and they set me and my brother down and said.

Mom went to sleep last night and didn’t wake up. She past away sometime during the night. My hart Brock. My mom was my rock my everything. This was going to be a big change. Everything started changing so fast. I met this guy and fall in love. I didn’t want to tell anyone about him cause he was my home away from home and didn’t want that to be token away. Come the end February I think it was. I found out I was pregnant and my BF was in the bathroom with me when I took the test. Everyone was kinda upset they didn’t know but understood where I was coming from. He asked me to marry him. He was talking about wanting to the night before we found out I was. May 5 we got married and that night I took a fall and didn’t think anything of it. But went in a couple days after to be checked out just in case and everything was fine. The doctor asked us if we wanted to know the gander. We both said yes. She told us we were going to have a baby girl. I smiled and had to tell everyone. For the past 8 years in my family all my sisters would have were boys.

One of my sisters joked and said that mom sent all the boys to the back of the line. She soon found out she was having a girl. And she was due two months after I was.

Comes to October 25th at 2:30 in the morning I wake up having to go pee and couldn’t go back to sleep. I know this was it but didn’t want to go in yet so I got in a hot bath and kept doing that for a couple hours then I woke up my hubby to tell him that we should get things in the car and he should call into work to let them know most likely he won’t be coming in. We waited tell 9 to call my doctors office to see if I should go in they said yes go in and be checked by the time we got there. They checked me I was at a 5 the day before I was only at a 2 1/2. They moved me to the room I was going to be in the rest of the time. I told my family and that I would let them know when she was here so they could come see her.

I got the epidural then they Brock my water and put the catheter in. My baby’s hart rate went way down soon after. I remember a lot of nurses running in doing things like putting me on oxygen and two of them were at the foot of my bed telling me that the docter is on his way and if the hart rate didn’t go up they would have to take her c-section. I was scared but my little girl hart rate went up and that didn’t have to happen. At 530 I started to push I only pushed for 4 mins and she was here. We named her after my mom. Robyn was my moms name so her name is Robyn Amellia Allen. She come at 38 weeks and 6 days. She is now 16 months old and the star in my eye.

29 weeks and 4 days with baby girl #2 and very excited to have her here. Lillyann rose allen will be her name. Robyn is very excited as well one of my sisters has a baby that is only 4 months right now and she loves her so much. Try’s to help as much as she can.

Being a teen mom is hard but we can do it. Even being a young mom.