Help please...


Has anyone got their BFP being more than two weeks late?

I’m reaching out to all of you in hopes you have stories/advice/prayers to share. I’m currently on CD 48. My cycles were starting to become more regular prior (usually 24-37 days), I feel I ovulated on CD28-30 range. I had a faint positive on a cheapie yesterday and this morning on a FRER a BFN, last week BT came back negative. I’m 19DPO and thinking I’m out of it for this one. My husband and I are trying very hard to start a family. I pray relentlessly and have gone in for testing. HSG showed clear tubes, good reserve of LH, ovaries clear of cysts. I’m trying not to stress. I’m just wondering if anyone has gone on to get BFP late in their cycles?

Appreciate your kind responses.
