Tried naturally for 5 years.

My SO and I have been trying to conceive for the past five years. I am 26, I’ll be 27 in June. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16. I have never had regular periods, and I have never gotten pregnant, though I have had a few long term relationships where we tried. Honestly I never tried to prevent it as I have always wanted to be a mom. Well after five years with my man, and no luck, I have decided to seek medical help. My doctor put me on Provera Feb 20 to March first. That helped me start af. On the 8th of March (this month) I started taking clomid (days 5-9 of my cycle) yesterday morning I noticed my period had almost completely stopped, last night I took my final Clomid, and of course we BD. Can anyone tell me how often we should be having sex, and is it best to do it in the morning or at night. I want so badly to become pregnant and to carry a healthy baby full term. My younger sister has been taking clomid for over a year and has gotten pregnant, but all have ended in miscarriage, when she gave up, she gave the last of her clomid prescription to our older sister, who immediately became pregnant and delivered her daughter in December. Just kind of hoping for some advice, positive feedback, positive experience, anything to help me stress less.