Pre eclampsia birth story


Our sweet baby Morgan was born at 28w6d due to me having severe pre eclampsia! She weighed 1lb 15.8oz at birth .

I got admitted to the hospital on 2/18 for constant monitoring due to high blood

Pressure. On 2/22 my liver enzymes increased so they had to induce me . They started cervidil to ripen my cervix at 2:20pm it lasted about 7 hours before coming out, they then inserted a foley balloon around 12am and started a very low dose of pitocin. I was advised this would probably be in for 8-12 hours . After about 4 hours in my water broke and the Foley fell out I was at 6 cm , within about 10

Minutes I went to 8cm and she was coming out! After 2 pushes she was born at 4:29am. .