Life with an alcoholic

Life with an alcoholic...

Living with guilt, feeling hopeless but staying strong for those around you. Being told you are an enabler even when you pour the whiskey down the drain and tell them they are killing you emotionally. Loving someone who hates themselves but begs you to hold them together. Saving their life time after time when the whiskey takes over. Trying to grieve love and lives lost but not being able to speak. Screaming so loud but nobody hears a sound. Crying so hard in the shower when you are alone that you pass out. ...

You give up

Don't give up on yourself. You are more.

Once upon a time it wasn't like that. You can either let it define you or you can fight for the life you want.

You can give someone all the love in the world but until they can love themselves they'll never fully be able to love you back.