My baby is “incompatible with life”

Brittany • Girl Mama

In February during our genetic testing ultrasound at 12 weeks we were told the worst news you could imagine. Something no parent ever wants to hear about there baby. Words like “incompatible with life” “termination should be considered” My husband and I cried but we prayed. Prayed for the doctors to be wrong.


Fast forward.... last week we received the results from our cvs procedure. Results being worse than I could’ve imagined. We were told our baby has not one but two rare chromosome disorders. Holoprosencephaly & Trisomy 13 is our baby’s diagnosis. Both most likely not compatible with life. Despite everything we’ve been told I will carry my baby. Every passing day with our little one is a blessing. I still find so much joy in carrying my little babe. With that joy though still comes sadness. Some days worse than others. Overall I still find peace and comfort during this time. I will celebrate this pregnancy. I will celebrate my baby.

I am a YouTuber and I’ve been doing pregnancy updates since I tested positive. Despite this being the hardest time of my life I still decided to share my pregnancy with the world. So many women go through situations like this in silence. So many suffer in silence. If you’re going through something like this I want you to know you aren’t alone and it’s ok to talk about it. Whether you decide to terminate or not you are not alone. I chose not to but I still stand with you because I understand. It’s a heartbreaking decision either way. I’ve received some negativity from sharing but overall the support we have received is so overwhelming. We’re blessed and so incredibly thankful. This is my baby’s story. This is our baby. 💛