FFM first ever threesome experience

Soo I my boyfriend and I had our first ever threesome with another girl yesterday.

In the past two years he’s always wanted one, and he says he had wanted to for as long as he could remember.

I was extremely hesitant at the idea. I had heard stories of it ending badly, and I’m extremely possessive. The idea of him being with another girl was just terrifying.

I finally gave in in time for his birthday that’s coming up. I found a girl who is waaayyy more experienced than us. She was very nice and made sure not to cross any lines and I actually found myself just watching, by choice haha.

My boyfriend looked at me the whole time and would hold my hand while fucking her. I actually feel like it brought us closer as a couple too.

We have made plans for her to actually teach us stuff, as we both would like to get into BDSM but neither of us know much about it.

Over all it was way more fun than I thought it would be. My boyfriend was the happiest guy alive afterwards haha. I really enjoyed watching for some reason, maybe really cause he looked at me the whole time. We both I think focused mainly on her and I was honestly surprised when he said he’d rather cum in me. Afterwards him and I talked and we couldn’t believe we had finally done it haha. I can’t count how many times he said I love you after it.

We had had a huge fight earlier this week and I honestly thought it’d be the end of us, but doing this I think saved us. Weird I know, but it did. I think it helped prove our love and trust for eachother.


Him and her are meeting tomorrow, with my PERMISSION. We had a long talk about it and I trust him. We have a relationship where he has me fuck other men and I thought this was perfect to repay it, and have him learn a couple things haha.

I was nervous like “what if she feels better?” Or something like that, and before I could ever ask, he goes on about how I feel better, how that she feels good, but “not quite right”

I’m still crazy nervous but that’s to be expected haha. I trust him and her that’ll it’ll work out.