Am I going crazy?

So I ovulated on the 5th and a couple days later I felt really crampy, my breast ached for days, I had a fever, but I didn’t really feel bad. I’m thinking, super early pregnancy symptoms? I didn’t wanna get myself too hyped cause I’m just getting over a chemical pregnancy (day after Christmas) and been feeling just crazy sad. So it’s been days and Ive felt nauseous and then starting feeling worse, and crying like crazy, at everything. AF should be here next Tuesday, but I’m never this hormonal except when I was going through the chemical pregnancy.

I wake up in the middle of the night and feel super hot 🥵 and cannot get back to sleep so I took a pregnancy test and as I thought, it was negative. Well after I few hours I go back to sleep and tell myself I’m not pregnant, and that’s ok it will happen when it needs to happen.

Well Iately I’ve been having these crazy dreams about my late brother (also the person I want to name my son after if I am blessed enough to have one). Well last night I dreamt of seeing him telling me he was on his way and I was surrounded by positive test.

I feel like I’m definitely going crazy, I’m reading way too much into things and I need a reality check. What do y’all think, has anything similar happened to you? HMU

Thank you for reading, I am genuinely interested in your thoughts or experiences.