Finishing work

So today I brought my maternity start date forward by two weeks, will now be finishing at 34 weeks instead of 36. I am so tired all the time, I feel like I am putting too much pressure on my body pushing myself even longer. The midwife told me today that if I continue to push myself I am at risk of high blood pressure as the pregnancy progresses, baby is already measuring big and I am considered high risk due to my bmi, I don’t want any other risks added to my body or my babies.

Despite all this, why do I feel so bad for leaving earlier, like I will disappoint people because I couldn’t work right up until the end of my pregnancy like a lot of other women I know do.

I know this all sounds silly, but I am struggling with the decision, it is giving me major anxiety, although I know it was the right thing to do for me and for my baby. I don’t want to tell my family yet, when I had originally said I was leaving at 36 they said can’t you work longer 😩 apart from my mum, she is the most understanding! And thought I was doing good working until 36 weeks, but if I tell her she will tell everyone else.