Just drank the midwives brew 🤢


It was nasty! And there was SO MUCH. I preferred drinking the castor oil by itself, honestly. Anyway, we’ll see if it works!

I’m 41+1, 3-4 cm dilated and very soft as of Tuesday and baby is VERY LOW in my pelvis. 5 days until they schedule an induction so I’m trying to get labor started. Wish me luck!

Update1: So far I’ve just got some stronger contractions but nothing consistent. Also the brew burps are gross lol.

Update2: It’s been almost 6 hours and the contractions are every 5-7 minutes for the past hour or so but they are not getting painful at all. Ugh, it’s so frustrating. I feel like it didn’t work and I’ll end up having to be induced. 😞

Update3: Had contractions ALL NIGHT. Called the midwife at 1am because they were coming every 3 minutes for over an hour but weren’t being very painful so she said to call again when they get too painful to talk through. It’s now 7am and they have slowed down but have also gotten more painful, so hopefully today I’ll make some more progress! 💪