Toxic Relationship??

I think I’m in a toxic boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year (in about a little over a month) and he’s honestly been the best guy I’ve ever met. He’s always taking me out always treating me like I’m the prettiest and perfect girl and other things. But sometimes he just gets really angry and the smallest things..he’s super controlling. For ex he won’t let me wear certain things, he won’t let me drive in a car with my best friend and her bf, etc. I think he’s insecure or just doesn’t trust me. But I let him drive with my best friend if he needed to take her home or if he was bringing her to me but he says he doesn’t care that’s just him. But most of the controlling things he says I don’t mind ONLY Bc if it was him with a girl in the same situation I’d be mad too. So when he does these things I justify it by saying “well if the roles were reversed I wouldn’t like that either” ig you could say we have the same level of “crazy” with each other and we both love it. But there’s some things he just completely overreacts about and he’ll be yelling at me and I just feel so much like shit when he yells at me😞 I’ve never cried so much in a relationship. He ALWAYS has to be right about something he HATES being wrong even for the smallest things! If he’s wrong about something like a simple fact and I correct him he tries to make an excuse for what he said. I tell him you know it’s okay to be wrong sometimes but he doesn’t get it. He has the BIGGEST pride I’ve ever seen with someone. And when I tell him he upset me he ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS makes an excuse of what I DID that made him do it. Even if I did nothing. So I always just apologize Bc he makes me hate myself quite honestly. Like nothing I do is good enough and he thinks just Bc he takes me places and buys me things that he doesn’t have to be good to emotionally. Which he IS but he ISNT. It’s really confusing😞 My best friend says that everyone has a flaw in a relationship and that’s his and I should be glad it’s not cheating or lying. Which I AM glad but sometimes it’s hard to stick through the shit Bc I become to hate myself when he turns things around on me. I love him so much with all my heart I do and he tells me he’ll do better and he’ll just apologize and not blame me and he was doing so good for a long time and all of a sudden it stopped. I wanna stay with him Bc we’re perfect for each other but sometimes I don’t know if I can do it. But then other times I feel like I have to bc if I don’t stick with him through it till he matures or changes maybe, some other girl will and I wanna be that girl not anyone else. Pls help sorry this is so long just don’t know what to do😕