Does he like me?

(and yes I’m in middle school and I know this is rly dumb drama and middle school relationships are dumb and everything but hear me out)

Ok so we have known each other and kinda have talked for the past 3 years but this year (school year) we have become pretty close like I’m friends with some of his friends we talk during the classes we have together and we text. When we talk in class we play random games but usually truth or dare and when he chooses truth I ask him about his crush and who she is but he always finds a loophole or says something very vague but could always apply to me but again they are kinda vague. Also during these games I’ve found out that he has two crushes one of them under no circumstances am I allowed to know and the other he will tell me if he has to. also when I text him no matter what he’s doing he texts be back as fast as he can but he doesn’t do that to our other friends. Also all his friends text me and his friends like push us together and move so we and be together and ship us but idk if that’s just I thing girls do with their friends crushes. But also I’m very clueless and I overthink some thinks so