
Hi everyone- looking for some input/thoughts. I have a very typical 28 day cycle. It’s never been more than 29 or 30 days and that’s within the past year or so. We were recently 11 weeks pregnant in December and told we had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks but my body hadn’t naturally passed the baby- I had to have a d&c. It was a very emotional time for us, but exactly 28 days later I had my first period. Then another 28 days another. We started trying after that cycle and didn’t end up pregnant. I am now in the second cycle of trying. I was due on Sunday (28 days) for my period and it didn’t show. I always have a day or two of spotting before. Nothing. Then on Wednesday morning I had some faint pink after going to the bathroom. I had implantation bleeding with my first pregnancy with my daughter. Then with my second that we lost in December I had some as well so I decided to take a test- negative. I never had any show up on a liner for two days. Last night we had sex and there was quite a bit of red blood that came out in the toilet after- assuming I started my period and I was just late, I went to bed. Wake up to use the bathroom this morning and nothing again!?! What is going on?!