Tips and tricks?

Sanno • 👶🏻🇵🇭 Born on September 12 2019 (37+2) | first child | first slight kicks on May 12 2019 (18+3) | first word: Mama on May 29 2020 (8 months) 🖤🇵🇭 Born on April 12 2023 (38+1) | second child

So, I'm 10+1 (first child and I'm 19, turning 20 on June) I'd want to know what are some tips and tricks of some mommas who had to deal with their pregnancy without the baby daddies? Mainly so I won't be too dependent on my baby daddy cause he can't even keep his word when he says things... I also just want to be more independent also so I'll be proud of myself and so I don't hear him say that I need to grow up and be an adult...