Baby’s abdomens suddenly measuring large


I’m T1 diabetic, but my numbers have been in fairly good control throughout pregnancy. My little girl has been measuring between 45-53rd percentile this entire time.

1 month ago (at 30 weeks) her abdomen was measuring in the 65th percentile. Today at 34w5d it measured in the 92nd percentile. I was seeing a different sonographer and specialist than usual and they just rushed me through and didn’t address my shock at such a large jump. Basically just told me to be a better diabetic.

Could this measurement be off? Could it mean something is wrong? I see my regular OB Wednesday, so I plan to ask then. I was just wondering if anyone had been told they’re baby had a sudden growth spurt in one area, or had a baby with a large abdomen measurement. Did it effect delivery at all?

It just made me panic since she’s been measuring so perfect this whole time and nothing has changed with me.