First abortion, turbulent emotions.


Currently waiting for my appointment in two weeks because I’m only 4 weeks at the moment. Took a plan B and it failed as I had already ovulated. If anyone has had an abortion before how did you cope whilst waiting for your appointment?

I’m going through a series of emotions which overwhelms me to the point where I’m just numb.

I’ve had the biggest fear that I could never get pregnant, now I am and I’m terminating the pregnancy I feel so full of guilt and shame.

The man I’m pregnant for is being “supportive” checking up on me everyday day which I appreciate but it’s like a reminder of what’s happening EVERY DAY. Had to tell him to back off a little for a few days so I can just be alone.

I can’t eat at all and sleeping every night has been horrible. I know this is the right choice for now but coming from a religious home I have serious cognitive dissonance. Don’t know if anyone can relate...