HCG & Methotrexate


Looking for your experiences....

Long story short.....

Found out I was expecting on February 11th started bleeding February 13th....

Ultrasound on February 19th only to find out it was ectopic 😢. Had Methotrexate shots on February 19th & 22nd.

Went back on February 26th HCG was 24, went down fast. Had blood work done today March 15th. HCG now 0. But still bleeding????

Bleeding as in only enough to wear a liner and it’s dark now like old blood. It’s really getting on my nerves and it’s really testing my mind, I just wanna get back to myself.

If you had Methotrexate shots how long did you bleed dark old looking blood for? I’ve been bleeding now since February 13th and I’ve honestly just had enough.

Also, was it easier to conceive again? Or difficult?

TIA. Baby dust to you all.