Tight stomach , won’t release

Ok so my stomach has been cramping and tensing so much it hurts, I haven’t lost my

Mucus plug that I know of, and I am 36w2d today.

It feels like Braxton Hicks but more intense. I’m wondering if it is actual contractions. It happened every ten minutes then would release in about a minute then repeat ten minutes later. Some Hurt some don’t.

Now my stomachs been staying tense and hard constantly and putting a lot of pressure and pain in my pelvic region but doesn’t release until about 5 minutes after then tenses right back up a few minutes later. But my stomach stays decently tense through out the whole cycle.

What do you think it is?

Should I be going in to hospital or not yet ?

I don’t want to waste there time if I go so I thought I’d ask here first incase any other mommas had this happen to them.