Just a little bit of advice please?


Okay so a quick run down of my situation. I'm 17 (18 in 2 months) and mt boyfriend is 22, we're 12+6 weeks pregnant with our first and we live seperated.

We are about to hand our form in to get a council house/flat but I highly doubt they'll house us before our baby is born. However, I'm not comfortable in my 'home'. Ever since we found out my family just hasn't been the same, obviously they're not happy about it but I'd at least rather them make me feel comfortable. Me and my dad don't talk anymore, me and my sister rarely speak too, my mum talks about it but denies being okay with the situation.

I don't know how to feel better about this before I ger my flat with mt boyfriend. I feel more comfortable with his family than my own and it's making me fed up..

Do you have any advice for me?