

40 weeks and little one is in no hurry to make an appearance.

I attended the NCT classes and read through the NHS website in regards to going overdue. However I feel so overwhelmed and unsure as to what happens now.

I have a midwife appointment on Wednesday - booked 2 weeks ago by a cover midwife who simply said it was to discuss options. I want to go with an informed decision as to what I want to happen next and not make a rash decision.

Ladies who have been through this process what method of induction would you advise?

What were you experiences?

How long do they advise you hold out i.e before 41 weeks or after?

Have you been able to give birth vaginally?

Was a water birth still an option?

Note: I have had a stroke and heart surgery - however have been deemed low risk so presume all options are open still.

I did not think I'd find myself in this predicament!