Vbac stories.


Hey guys i just wanted to know others vbacs stories. I had my first 2 years ago and now at 15 weeks with this baby. I had a emergency c section with her because she was in distress and I couldn't dilated past 7cm. This time around i decided to use the dr who delivered her instead of the midwife i used. So far i dont like this dr. He told me the risks of vbac and says he highly doesn't recommend them and compared it to me sending my baby to school with a school shooter knowing it'll get shot and proceeded to try to make me have a c section and tried to make decisions for me. I'm just very scared about it because he made me feel like if anything goes wrong in labor its my fault for being selfish. I just wanted to hear others stories good and bad. Sorry for the long post i just figured its time i try to hear from other mothers who have experience instead of stressing in silence.