Unneeded worry? Should i be really concerned?


So I went to my doctor to get a routine STD check and after they got my results the lady said "okay everything came back negative but the doctor did want me to ask if you've had any cold sores or blisters or lesions?" I've never had any of these issues and asked why. At first she was really snappy and was like "well isn't that why you even got tested" to which my reply was no I was due and I did have a partner for a while like three months ago and I plan on abstaining from sex for quite a while. She kind of backtracked and said the ratio that they use for herpes was a little high but still in the negative zone but they wanted to check and make sure I hadn't had any symptoms or anything. The doctor said that if I'm worried to check back in six months but she's not worried at this time. But for the simple fact that they even asked now I'm super paranoid. I do have a panic disorder and because of the stress I'm having more frequent boughts of it. If my doctor said she's not worried should I just let it go?