Relationship troubles..Long Post!


So tonight's finally the night of me and my bf of 1 1/2 years are sitting down talking about our problems. Every time I try to talk to him he always seems to flip things back on me. He's a basketball fan and goes to play ball every chance he gets(I have to take him even when I'm tired) and every time I tell him no or maybe next weekend, he gets upset and throws a tantrum like a child. My biggest issue is his job search and him not really putting in any effort to apply for jobs(he's been out of work since November 2018) and the jobs he's applying to are out of town(he doesn't have a driver's license or a car so idk how he was gonna get there.) And last night I was being aggravating but only cause I was bored lol and we had just had a prior argument 30 mins earlier. So he wasn't really paying me any attention so I went to the room and locked the door. He comes to the room and realizes that its locked and he proceeds to kick the door and yell and curse at me. Is it wrong of me to just want to end things? Because I feel like I can struggle by myself without having to buy things for two people. But at the same time I feel bad because I was the only one there for him when he was at his lowest and helped pick him back up.