9m old hasn’t gained weight in 4 months


My baby is healthy, VERY active, ahead of the curve on physical milestones, says 2 words, eats solids with BLW, sleeps 12 hours at night and nurses between 5-10 times during the day. We have struggled with weight since he was 4 months old and discovered a tongue tie. Had that revised and he gained 2 pounds in one month, but since then he’s gained 4 ounces total. He’s grown 3.5” though. He started off above the 98th percentile for weight and is now at the 60th. We went to lactation after the appointment to see if we can start to find the problem. He nursed for 5 minutes and got 2 ounces between both sides. He normally nurses longer, but the nurse was still concerned that it was too low. He has a great latch, loves to nurse and the only concern is weight. What would you do?

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