so this isn’t necessarily fertility related but i need some type of feedback or SOMETHING bc idk what else to do. okay so, months ago.. i started experiencing something that’s taken a huge toll on me, my mind, and my body. so on my period and sometimes off of my period, i experience what first starts as a ball like feeling in my chest, which turns into really bad chest pain, accompanied with having to use the bathroom, my jaw gets extremely tight & i end up vomiting, but the vomit is only ever thick sticky mucous, i constantly feel like i need to burp and every time i do, i have to cough as well and it’s a lot of thick sticky mucous i have to spit out, it gets hard to swallow, and than throughout the day directly under my throat will hurt, and feel like there’s a ball. ive been to my dr and she gave me pepcid for acid reflux but isn’t helping. anyone else ever experience something like this or have any idea? these episodes last an hour each time.