BBQ party that ruined my night...

I moved 2 states away four years ago when I met my husband. We’ve always wanted to move but not too far away from our home state so we could still either drive or take a very short flight to see family and friends when we wanted to. We bought our first house together and I was driving a beat up Kia at the time but couldn’t trade it in as my credit was not good enough without a co-signer and at the time, me and my husband just started dating so I wasn’t asking him for anything (we moved 2 states away within a month of dating because we both wanted to plus we took a leap of faith). He surprised me one day with a brand new Kia Forte and I was shocked and knew this man would do anything for me. About 6 months after moving and getting settled into this state and our house and jobs, we went back to our home town to see family and friends and got married at the end of our two week stay. We were in love and everything was fresh and new to us, everyone was happy for us and our family instantly got along with each other. It was picture perfect. After a year of being married, we tried for our first and successfully got pregnant only after 4 months of trying, we were so excited and we had a lot of support from family members even though they weren’t there physically. At the time, I had 3 very close best friends whom I still keep with contact at least once a week but I had no friends down here where I lived. I just focused on my husband and being pregnant. After my son was born, I still haven’t made one friend beside a couple ladies from work but they were older and was just work related. I didn’t really try to make friends because I was so focused on my first born and being a mommy while still being a wife and working full time. I was stressed out even though my husband has helped me with everything and is such an amazing father and husband. We went back to our home town after my son turned 2 months old for Christmas and everyone fell in love with him that they were so sad we had to leave. I was starting to get depressed and it wasn’t because I didn’t have help physically by anyone since my husband absolutely did everything that I had needed and wanted but because I didn’t have anyone else to share these moments with me like I would have if I were in my home state. My husband knew my mood had changed and suggested I go out and meet new people, I told him it was not easy as I had not known anyone even though we had been living down here for over 2 years, almost 3 but he told me to try Facebook group for mommys or take our son to the park and try and if that didn’t work then we would move back if that’s what I truly wanted. I sat and thought long and hard about it because at that point, I wanted to tell him that we should pack our things and move back. I then thought that I should make more effort since this is something that we both wanted and agreed to before we even got married and had a child. I had joined a group in my town that we had lived in and there was a music class for babies that they had invited me to. I was happy because for once I may make friends who are also mothers and I thought about all the play dates my son would have and also thought about how he would benefit going to this class. I signed up and paid for the class, I loved it and so did my son even though he was so little that he didn’t understand it. I made friends with all the mothers there and they were all so friendly and welcoming but there was 2 of them that I really had bonded with. We would always meet up for coffee or go on play dates for the children and go to parks and indoor play areas. We also made a pact where we would go out and have a girls night once a month while the dads stayed home with the children and hung out with each other at one another’s house until bedtime for the kids. My life was almost like a movie, just going so perfect and I was so happy, I actually seen myself live here for the rest of my life and have more children and watch my children grow up here. Fast forward to now, my son is 17 months old and it’s been officially 4 years since we had moved down here and I invited all the mothers at the music class to have a nice get together so all the kids could hang out and we can have a nice bbq party going. I sent out the invitations back in January since I know life can be very busy and it would be hard to RSVP to a party when invitations are sent out late so I did it in advance. I know it might sound strange to have people RSVP for a bbq party but I wanted to know how much food to buy so we didn’t run out and people won’t get to eat but also didn’t want to buy too much where it would get wasted. Out of 35 invites (including my husbands friends of course), 21 said yes which to my surprised was a lot of people that said yes. I had even sent out a text message and email saying “Thank you for coming to our bbq party, we are celebrating our 4th year moving into this beautiful town and wanted to have a get together with all of our friends and neighbors and for many years to come! We do understand that life gets busy and things happen unexpectedly so if anything happens to come up from now until then, we truly do understand if they would prevent you from coming” I mean it was something like that because if anyone who said yes, didn’t get to show up, we wanted them to know that life hits us and we understand if they decided they could not come and that we would not be mad at all. One week prior to the party, I had talked to 7 of the 21 people who RSVP’D yes and they were excited to come and hang out as I was excited too because this was our first party at our house. Today was the day and the party was starting at 1:00 PM, it was around 12:45 PM and we were all ready and got the food and drinks ready. It was 1:30 PM at this point and no one had showed up, I thought maybe they were going to be late, maybe there was an accident on the way here, maybe they got lost or maybe they thought it was a different time. No big deal, well it was 2:00 PM now and I was worried about the food getting cold but we hear a knock at the door, we answer it and it was my husbands friends who he had invited (8 of them), 3 of them rode together and went to the liquor store to got beer and wine to bring over and the other 5 were just late. 3:00 PM comes around and I see my husband having a wonderful time with his friends while I had none of mine show up, I was starting to get worried so I texted one of my close friends and had asked if they were still coming. I didn’t get a reply until 5:00 PM stating they just got back from another party that was thrown by another mommy from our music class. I invited everyone from our music class (even the mommy who also had a party the same day as me) and she also RSVP’D yes so I was confused. I told my close friend not to worry about it and maybe another time we will have a party so everyone could come. She said sorry and that everyone was invited 2 weeks prior to the party. I was confused because I never got an invitation but I told her I understood and that it’s okay. I was actually hurt deep down and walked to the bathroom to cry because I felt hurt and I had been planning this since January and everyone knew about it. Around 9 PM tonight, I get a text from one of the mommys from the music class stating the other mothers were bad mouthing me and didn’t invite me on purpose. She also said that they would like it if me and my annoying kid would stop coming to the class so they could have someone better fill our seat in the class. I was devastated because I thought we all got along and was friendly.. I texted my other close friend about it and she confirmed everything and also said the same thing. I blocked her number and am now cuddling with my husband and my son. I am not going back to that class and probably won’t be making any more friends for a while. I’m hurt, lost and confused because I don’t know if I did anything wrong because if I did then I would own up to it.. so much for making friends...