Little girls vs little boys vs parenting


Its 10 am right now and this is what im thinking about in bed lol I am FTM. My daughter is due May 25th and as that date comes up.. I just cant stop thinking about EVERYTHING. Last weeked my dad has a little tiny shindig for my 25th birthday and it was real nice and sweet of him to do. My sister was there with 4 yr old son( my nephew) whom I love with allllll my heart and soul. My immediate family and some of dads friends were there. The ENTIRE talking 4 -5 hours my nephew screamed..SCREAMED.. Screamed..not cry just yelling, screaming romping. Noone could have a single conversation 2 ft from each other. I know kids will be kids. But is this also a parenting/discipline thing..a boy thing? I mean of course in your house its a different story but in public..public places? I dont see many little girls acting this way. I really could not imagine myself nor my fiance letting our little girl act this way around other people/public places. It was trully terrorizing. You can tell he lacks discipline because if you yell at him..he laughes at you and will call you names. He is 4 YEARS old not 2.