Lose of appetite at 7 weeks pregnant

Ajaa • Romell's Mama (3 year old) 🤞🏾😍 Ryan Wife for (4 years) 🤞🏾😍 👶🏾 Aubriel's Mama (newborn)

Hello ladies I am 7 weeks pregnant and I don't have a appetite what so ever, if I think about food, or smell food I get disgusted and don't want to eat or anything. I don't know what do to! I'm obviously hungry, my stomach feels so empty at times 😫 what can I do. And on top of that I've been sick for weeks now! Taking Mucinex! What can I do to get some food in my system without feeling like I'm going to throw up. I need help ladies please and thank you. I'll eat a few crackers here and there, drinking Gatorade and water and homemade lemon, honey tea!