Baby with gastroschesis


Finally my turn to post my birth story lol. On March 15 I went to an appointment with high risk pregnancy for monitoring. I told them that I’ve been extremely extremely itchy everywhere for like 3 days. I was also super swollen. Her due dat was April 5th, but my obgyn had scheduled my c section on March 29th. I hadn’t felt her move much on March 14th so I told them about that too. At the appointment the baby wasn’t moving at all and with every contraction her heart rate would drop. So they told me to go to the hospital I was delivering at because she had to come out immediately. I came to the hospital and they got an iv in and prepped me for the c section. I was in tears when they did the epidural. They took me into the operating room and the Anesthesiologist was pinching my legs and I could still feel it. I told him it hurt and that I felt that. He said it’ll start kicking in in a couple of minutes. Not even 1 minute later the doctor comes in and starts cutting me open. I was literally screaming and crying so bad. It was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. I got fully numb when they were stitching me up. As soon as the baby was born they took her straight to surgery I only got a small glimpse of her, but she looked so beautiful. They were able to put back in the little bit of intestine that was out. She’s in the nicu for now. She’s doing really really good she’s been pooping (which means her intestines are working great). She has a vygon tube down her throat getting all the yucky stuff out. It’s a light green right now, but once it clears up to almost look like spit they will start feeding her and if she’s able to eat fine we get to bring her home!!! Baby Mila born 3/15/19 at 2:32 pm, 5.10oz, 16 in


Mila 7 months now