FTM - wasn’t as bad as I thought!


Not that it was easy but I think my birth was a lot easier than some of the other horror stories I’ve read on here!

My waters started leaking at 1pm on the 14th, good thing I hadn’t left the house yet as I was about to go shopping. It was a small gush of water and I texted my boyfriend letting him know then phoned the hospital, they told me to put a pad on and phone back in an hour if the pad fills up, which it did so they told me to come up. Phoned my mum and she got my dad to drive us up to the hospital where we were waiting for quite awhile, it’s always quite busy so that’s the usual, my boyfriend made his way up also. My mum ended up having to leave as she needed to be home for my brothers so it was just me and partner thankfully too as a midwife came in to examine me. She confirmed my waters had broken and they booked me in for an induction on Saturday 16th! I was quite worried about infection as it was going to be 48 hrs after waters leaking but I actually thought I would go into labour myself before then, all Thursday night and Friday still no sign of baby so Saturday morning rolls around and we’re ready to get this boy out! Induction for 12 o’clock so we arrived on time and got given a room fairly quickly, 1pm I get hooked up to get the contractions going. Couldn’t feel any for a long time which didn’t help my nerves but eventually started feeling them at around 3 o’clock. Nothing too painful though, until an hour or so later it began to get really sore, I asked for diamorphine and also got given gas and air, that worked an absolute treat but not for very long, started feeling a lot of pain a couple hours afterwards and got an examination and was only 2 centimetres! Was desperate for more diamorphine but couldn’t get any until half 8 so I waited it out and around that time I got another examination, still only 2 cm!! I thought dear god this baby isn’t coming and was very scared I was going to need a section, the midwife did say my cervix had thinned out so progress had still been made. Was in mega pain now even with the extra dose of diamorphine and the gas and air wasn’t even touching these contractions, all I could do was breath and squeeze the fuck out of my boyfriends hand haha, he was amazing and so supportive throughout the whole thing, kept telling me how great I was doing. Eventually I asked for the epidural, while they were organising this I started to feel A LOT of pressure in my backside and felt I needed to push, when I mentioned this pressure one of the midwives just said that’s normal. A doctor went over the epidural with me and all the risks but I was out of it, I could barely keep my eyes open and was in so much pain, she could’ve told me I’d never walk again after getting it and I’d still say give me it! Epidural was given to me and I can’t say it done wonders for me, still felt a lot of pain and that pressure feeling, turns out that’s because I was fully dilated! Time to start pushing said the midwife. I spent about 20 minutes pushing and there he was!! Noah was born at 12:10 on the 17th and weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and he’s amazing!! I was only in labour for about 11 hours too, even though it was probably the most painful thing I’ve ever felt and I tore my left labia, I’d so do it again, nothing in the world compares to this feeling ❤️

Can’t even believe he’s 1 week 1 day already!!